General ideas about the regulatory processes in living organisms
What is the Matter? Matter – its manifestations and essence
What is information and how does it control living matter
Main difference between living and inanimate matter
Physical Aspects of the View of the World, or How Science Explains the Structure and Phenomena of the World
Field-based approach
Geometric (topological) approach
Multidimensional Models of the World
The physical core of the geometries of Euclid, Minkowski, Lobachevsky and Riemann
The Torus as a Fundamental Metamathematical Model of Living Matter
Relational approach
The Yin-Yang symbol (the “highest extreme”) – precursor of the relational approach
The human sense of sight – example of the combined effect of field and relational approaches
The Polarization Hologram – Basis of Information-Based Interaction and Regulation in Living Matter
Polarized vision as the “sixth sense” of insects
The fundamental laws of symmetry – systemic basis of biological and physiological processes
The fundamental laws of symmetry conservation – invariance laws
Quantum dots – manifestation of the information mechanism of the symmetries of the “highest extreme”
Asymmetry, Chirality and Anisotropy as Prerequisites for the Emergence of Life on Planet Earth
Entropy – practical basis of information-driven regulation in living matter
Dissipative Systems as a Form of Existence of Living Matter
The dynamic fractal matrix of dissipative systems
Phase Transitions – Manifestation of Nonlocal Information-Based Connections of Dissipative Systems
Invariant Tori – the “land before and behind the mirror” of eternal life
Maintaining the functional chaos norm to maintain health and slow down the aging process
Molecular Principles of Functional Information Generation
Mechanisms of information exchange in living systems
The Structures of Biological Tissues as a Basis for Dissipative Regulation
The extracellular matrix – the most important medium for dissipative regulation
The “Secret of Life” – the Phenomenon of Feedback in Dissipative Systems
The Role of Water in the Dissipative Regulation of Homeostasis
The Energy Balance of a Living Cell – Possibilities of Dissipative Regulation
Mitochondria – Energy Powerhouses of Cells
The membrane potential of cells
Dissipation – an important property of brain function memory, consciousness, thinking, intellect
The Brain as a Quantum Mechanical System Linking the Material State and the Quantum State of Living Matter
Physical Principles and Mechanisms of Holographic Functioning of the Brain
Consciousness, memory, thinking, intelligence – forms of information processing in the brain
Mental Images – the Transformation of the Virtual into Reality
Specificity of the processing and storage of information in short-term and long-term memory
The Stress Vector – the Quantum Mechanical Basis of Psychosomatics and Somatopsychics
Stress – a branched systemic body reaction
The Interrelationship Between the Quantum-Mechanical Properties of the Brain and Its Rhythms Conscious Dreams
The informational and functional connection between brain and gut
Specific differences between the psycho-emotional reactions of men and women
The influence of cosmic and geophysical factors on brain function
The Influence of Moon and Sun on Biological Time
The influence of special geoactive zones (geomagnetic zones, power places, etc.) on psychoemotional states, consciousness and human thinking
Biological rhythms
Rhythmic interaction and synchronization – the basis for the healthy functioning of the human body
Modern Approaches to the Realization of Systems for the Regulation of Dissipative Processes in the Human Body
The analytical KME system
Basic principles of the functioning of the КМЕ system
Special features of the analysis presentation using the KME system interface
Possibilities of compensatory information-controlled correction using the KME system
Dissipative regulation to maintain the “chaos norm” of physiological processes and the “health norm” of humans